New Year

The Best and Worst of 2014

Today we close the book on 2014, which was Bucknucks fifth calendar year. Before I get into my memories of the year I want to thank everyone who has supported our business. I am happy to say that it has been our best year yet, both financially and also personally. The community of Cowichan has been very good to us.
I thought it would be fun to list some of the best and worst events in the past year. The things that stick out for me one way or another. I will try and stick to business related events, so I won't mention birthday parties or chicken massacres.

A New Year

Always the turning of the year is a time for reflection.  We look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from our last trip around the sun.  Then, we try to figure out what we need more of, and less of, and then make a resolution to bring in more good and filter out the bad.  It's a cleansing of sorts, usually spent with friends and family.  And some of us blog about it, too!

Holiday Hours

Our Holiday Hours this year:
Sunday, Dec 23: 10am - 3pm
Monday, Dec 24 (Christmas Eve): 10am - 3pm
Tuesday, Dec 25 (Christmas Day): CLOSED
Wednesday, Dec 26 (Boxing Day): 10am - 3pm
Dec 27 - Dec 31: Normal Hours
Tuesday, Jan 1 (New Year's Day): CLOSED
Have a great (and safe) Holiday Season.

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